A man hit what appeared to be a crack pipe on a downtown No. 3 train and stripped off his clothes. In photos obtained by the Daily News,photographer Ben Lozovsky said
“I have been to a lot of pretty rough places and have lived in New York City for more than 10 years, but I’ve never seen anything like this,” “It wasn’t weed smoke. Whatever was in there was combusting at a higher level. He was hitting it for a good 30 seconds to a minute without taking a breath.He was a kind of a beautiful dude if he wasn’t all cracked out,”“It could have been a tasteful nude fashion shoot.”The drug-smoker appeared to be in a trance and said nothing to Lozovsky as he snapped away. He walked in a circle before getting off the train at 96th St. — still naked.
“I told him he should put his clothes back on . . . I didn’t want him to get arrested,” Lozovsky said.
The man complied — kind of. He hitched a bubble jacket around his waist and marched onto the platform.